Sistah Vegan Blog:
A Critical Race Feminist's Journey Through the 'Ethical Foodscape'...and Beyond
Eating the Buddhadharma: On Mindfulness, Nutritional Racism, and Food Justice
Revolution Foods & Feeding Children Organic…But what about the horrible packaging?
Angela Davis on eating chickens, Occupy, and including animals in social justice initiative of the 9
Clifford the Dog Misses His Family and She Doesn't Care
Marti Kheel: Paying homage to her work and her inspiration to my Sistah Vegan work
Video available:: Afrocentrism, vegan methodology of the racially oppressed, and revolutionary black
Breeze Harper to speak at UC Berkeley, November 16, 2011 for Critical Animal Studies Series
"White Talk", Discursive Violence, and Dysconscious Racism: From Vegan Consciousness to Ve
Sistah Vegan and "Old McDonald Had a Farm [Sanctuary]"
Critical Vegan Interventions: Black female slave vivisection, non-human animal experimentation, and