Sistah Vegan Blog:
A Critical Race Feminist's Journey Through the 'Ethical Foodscape'...and Beyond
On the Neoliberal, Afrocentric, and Decolonial Politics of “Cruelty-Free”
Feeding a Black Nation: Decolonial Vegan Politics and Queen Afua's Kitchen
"We Don't Want no GMOs" and Eco-Vegan Hip Hop Consciousness
VegNews, Vegan Halloween Candy, and Marketing Neoliberal Capitalism: An Open Letter
"Spirulina helps me poop": Raising my babies on a decolonizing diet inspired by Queen Afua
Baby screaming for a kale smoothie: Infants can like green raw foods!
Where do toddlers get vegan protein?
Revolution Foods & Feeding Children Organic…But what about the horrible packaging?
No More Auction Block For Me: On The Dangers of Colonized Minds in Capitalist Society
Vegans on the Margin: TOFU Magazine Interview with Breeze Harper on Race, Whiteness, and Colonialism