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Sistah Vegan Blog:
A Critical Race Feminist's Journey Through the 'Ethical Foodscape'...and Beyond
Nov 27, 2012
On the Neoliberal, Afrocentric, and Decolonial Politics of “Cruelty-Free”
Tonight I gave a lecture to a class at California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. I spoke about my dissertation work for...

Nov 4, 2012
Feeding a Black Nation: Decolonial Vegan Politics and Queen Afua's Kitchen
Part I Part II Above are the two videos from my most recent talk that I gave on November 1, 2012 at Boston University in Boston,...
Oct 27, 2012
"We Don't Want no GMOs" and Eco-Vegan Hip Hop Consciousness
So, is anyone else annoyed and pissed off that mainstream meda continues to represent our beautiful black brothers as incapable of...

Oct 24, 2012
VegNews, Vegan Halloween Candy, and Marketing Neoliberal Capitalism: An Open Letter
Dear VegNews, I just read your “Just in Time for Halloween: VegNews Guide to Vegan Candy”. I was struck by this excerpt: Here at VegNews,...
Oct 24, 2012
"Spirulina helps me poop": Raising my babies on a decolonizing diet inspired by Queen Afua
I am teaching Eva Luna some Queen Afua inspired nutrition for her womb-health now. She is 14 months old. I tell her every morning that...
Jul 5, 2012
Baby screaming for a kale smoothie: Infants can like green raw foods!
Just another reminder that an infant in the USA can like raw greens and ‘healthy’ foods. I say USA because most people in the USA claim...
Jun 26, 2012
Where do toddlers get vegan protein?
Where do toddlers get vegan protein? Watch the video below to see one of many fun and nutritious possibilities! Ingredients: 2/3 c to 1...
Jun 6, 2012
Revolution Foods & Feeding Children Organic…But what about the horrible packaging?
This is a product review for Revolution Foods. Love the idea that there is a company out there promoting healthier foods in school. Love...

May 6, 2012
No More Auction Block For Me: On The Dangers of Colonized Minds in Capitalist Society
Cee Knowledge of Digable Planets, Sistah Vegan, DJ Cavem Moetavation at Brown Suga Festival in Denver on April 28 2012. Keynote speaker:...

Mar 6, 2012
Vegans on the Margin: TOFU Magazine Interview with Breeze Harper on Race, Whiteness, and Colonialism
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