Sistah Vegan Blog:
A Critical Race Feminist's Journey Through the 'Ethical Foodscape'...and Beyond
Receiving anger, responding 'politely': How to handle aggression when exploring whiteness
Cultivating Food Justice: Race, Class and Sustainability
OCCUPY WHITE SUPREMACY: What UC Davis Pepper Spraying Tells me about the racialized politics of sent
Video available:: Afrocentrism, vegan methodology of the racially oppressed, and revolutionary black
Breeze Harper to speak at UC Berkeley, November 16, 2011 for Critical Animal Studies Series
"White Talk", Discursive Violence, and Dysconscious Racism: From Vegan Consciousness to Ve
Studying racialization in vegan cultural studies
Ill effects of being racialized as white and "Wheatgrass"
Black Vegan Mammy-ism: Sacrificing My Emotional Health for the Vegan Status Quo
White male vegan paternalism: Or, how to offend Black Veg*n Reiki Community