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Sistah Vegan Blog:
A Critical Race Feminist's Journey Through the 'Ethical Foodscape'...and Beyond

Apr 23, 2013
How can I get my toddler to eat kale and broccoli!!!?
I wanted to share with you 2 videos of my toddler happily eating broccoli and kale. I get a lot of parents asking me how it’s possible...
Nov 13, 2012
[Video] Racial Tension Headaches: Kale Smoothies for a "Post-Racial" Era
I attended the San Francisco Green Festival on November 11, 2012 to give a food demo. I think I may have been the only person presenting...
Jul 5, 2012
Baby screaming for a kale smoothie: Infants can like green raw foods!
Just another reminder that an infant in the USA can like raw greens and ‘healthy’ foods. I say USA because most people in the USA claim...
Jun 26, 2012
Where do toddlers get vegan protein?
Where do toddlers get vegan protein? Watch the video below to see one of many fun and nutritious possibilities! Ingredients: 2/3 c to 1...
Jan 8, 2012
Sistah Vegan's homemade vanilla creamsicle raw kale chips
Check it out. I was inspired by the local company in Oakland, CA called “Alive & Radiant Foods.” I tried their “Organic Spirulina Orange...
Feb 20, 2011
Sistah Vegan's Kale Smoothie for Toddlers
Here is a video of Sun, who is 22 months old, drinking a kale smoothie. I fill up my Vitamix blender with 1/3 c Nutiva hempseeds 1 tbsp...

Oct 23, 2010
Screw You High Fructose Corn Syrup! Hemp-Spirulina for Toddlers
My 19 month old loves these. It’s called a “hempsicle”. I am not sure if I’m the first person to create the word, but it is a tasty treat...
Jun 18, 2010
Sistah Vegan’s Black Queen Milk Recipe
High in iron, calcium, Omega 3 6 9, and many other minerals and vitamins. For those of you looking for a great way to get calcium, a cup...
Feb 21, 2010
Legacies of Racialized Colonialism on Black Female Womb Health
Today I speak about my kale smoothie and how I connect this to combating Legacies of Racialized Colonialism on Black Female Womb Health....

Jan 24, 2010
"Spirulina, it does the body good"
Sun is going to replace that “Milk, it does the body good” ad with, “Spirulina, it does the body good”, complete with a Spirulina...
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