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Sistah Vegan Blog:
A Critical Race Feminist's Journey Through the 'Ethical Foodscape'...and Beyond

Apr 6, 2010
Sistah Vegan Book and Events Calendar
April 5, 2010: Inspirasoul Blog Talk Radio: “Sistah Vegan: Black Female Vegans on Food, Identity, Health & Society” Location:...

Jan 14, 2010
Sistah Vegan needs your help!
(Source: I need a place to host my book release party for free. Does anyone...
Oct 8, 2009
bell hooks, comfort food, dealing with racism (internalized,overt, and institutional)
There is a quote that I ran across , while reading the book Breaking Bread: Insurgent Black Intellectual Life “We deal with White...
Oct 3, 2009
bell hooks on black farmers and racial politics
Belonging: A Culture of Place I just finished bell hooks’s book, Belonging: A Culture of Place Share this: Click to share on Twitter...
Sep 29, 2009
Healthy Highways: The Traveler's Guide to Healthy Eating (Second Edition)
As someone who has always found it challenging to find healthy, organic, and vegan foods while traveling, I was thrilled to see Nikki and...
Sep 24, 2009
Twlight and Vegetarian Vampires: New Philosophy Book
Has anyone ever seen Twlight? If so, I am wondering about this book. Has anyone read it? I have never watched Twilight, but I know it’s...

Sep 19, 2009
Sistah Vegan Book Pre-Order Now Available
Hi everyone, I just wanted to update folk and let them know that my book, You can click on Sistah Vegan: Food, Identity, Health, and...
Sep 7, 2009
Racialized Consciousness and Impact on Food Philosophies
If there are people involved in progressive social justice movements who fail to deeply engage with what their racialized consciousness...
Sep 6, 2009
Obama, "Veganism and race is not an issue", and other foolishness
I am reading Between Barack and a Hard Place: Racism and White Denial in the Age of Obama I’m at the point that if I have friends who are...
Sep 4, 2009
The Geography of Malcolm X: Black Radicalism and the Remaking of American Space
So, I’m a geographer. And what I love reading about are intersections of black studies, geography, and food politics. I read The...
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