Early Memories of Race in New England: Consumption, Healing, and Zen Buddhism
The first 7 minutes of Early Memories of Race in New England are about my experiences with race in predominantly white areas. Part I, I share several excerpts from my memoir that I’m working on. In parts II and III, I speak of incorporating Zen Buddhist philosophy into healing around these issues, as well as using it to engage in fruitful dialogues around race, food, and healing. This series is about 55 minutes in total. EARPHONES or A GOOD SPEAKER SYSTEM ARE SUGGESTED. I can’t hear it on my crappy laptop speakers, so you may need Earphones or connect speakers to your computer. Sorry about that. I need to buy a microphone for the video camera. The books are refer to in these video blogs are listed AFTER the videos.
Books I mentioned Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames
Below is a picture of my son Sun on my lap at the Berkeley Zen Center in June 2010.

Sun Harper-Zahn at Berkeley Zen Center