How can I get my toddler to eat kale and broccoli!!!?

I wanted to share with you 2 videos of my toddler happily eating broccoli and kale. I get a lot of parents asking me how it’s possible that my children eat greens because their children do not want to do that. My answers are simple: they won’t eat healthy whole foods diet if YOU don’t model it for them. My 20 month old sees me eating greens all the time: kale smoothies, steamed broccoli, raw okra. Ever since she was a newborn, she witnessed this; as soon as she wanted to begin eating solid foods, she demanded that I share with her my kale smoothies, raw greens, and other healthy greens that young children supposedly do not want to touch. Even more so, I have learned that babies develop palates for particular foods while they are in utero. I lived off of rich green and superfood diet that consisted of kale smoothies, raw okra, raw hempseeds, and chia seeds to name a few. I also learned that making ‘chips’ out of kale is a great way for them to eat kale ‘on the go’ or at the playground. I purchased a dehydrator several years ago and make kale chips for the kids. If you don’t have one, but have a gas oven, you can leave the marinated kale in the oven over night and the pilot light should be hot enough to dehydrate them.
Enjoy the videos below 🙂