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Is SPLC Conflating White Supremacist Violence with Animal Rights? Paul Watson and '[Eco]-Terror

In this video I talk about a Winter 2012 issue of the Intelligence Report, a magazine dedicated to the surveillance of ‘extreme hate groups and individuals.’ A magazine that seems to significantly focus on white supremacist and anti-Muslim people, I was surprised to see that Paul Watson was included in this issue as an ‘eco-terrorist.’ I felt Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), where Intelligence Report is published, could have done a better job of providing more information about animal liberation activism, instead of lumping Watson together with ‘other’ violent and extreme hate groups/individuals like white supremacists Wade Page who shot and killed Sikhs in the USA last year.

Here is the to the Winter 2012 issue if Intelligence Report in which Wade Page ( is featured on the cover. And here is the article about Paul Watson:

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