(Paleo Vegan Cookie) Sistah Vegan, Where Do You Get Your Paleo Vegan Cookies From?

Sistah Vegan, Where Do You Get Your Vegan Cookies?

I Have to tell you about the undeniably best paleo, vegan, soy-free, grain-free, gluten-free cookie I have ever had. Barr Necessities locally made cookies in the SF Bay Area. It’s actually not really sweet and it is a meal. The base is organic almond flour. It is an extremely healthy cookie-meal. If you live in the SF Bay Area, check them out!! A great alternative– especially for children! My kids love them– especially my youngest baby who has eczema and shouldn’t be having a lot of gluten or refined sugar in her diet! Great cookie for restrictive diets due to soy and gluten allergies. And it’s a great cookie to not exacerbate eczema in the little ones. This is very important for out family since my baby (20 months old) gets to see her older siblings eat treats that she can’t often eat. It’s awesome to have a cookie in which all of the kids can eat!
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