Screw You High Fructose Corn Syrup! Hemp-Spirulina for Toddlers
My 19 month old loves these. It’s called a “hempsicle”. I am not sure if I’m the first person to create the word, but it is a tasty treat and a great way to get my toddler to eat hemp protein, get his Omega 3-6-9, and some Spirulina. I want him to enjoy a creamsicle style vegan dessert that is packed with nutrients. And I say, “Screw you high fructose corn syrup in all that popsicle crap marketed to little kids! My baby ain’t buyin it!”

Sun eating hempsicle
Hemp-Spirulina-Mango Creamsicles (You can always had more dates to make it sweeter)
1 c raw hulled hempseeds
2 c water
2 pitted dates
1 tbsp spirulina
3 dried raw organic mango slices
Throw in Vitamix (or something comparable, as I don’t know if other blenders can grind hempseeds finely) and blend for about 2 minutes.
Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for about 6 or 7 hours.