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"Spirulina, it does the body good"

Sun is going to replace that “Milk, it does the body good” ad with, “Spirulina, it does the body good”, complete with a Spirulina mustache instead of a milk one.

Sun, 10 months old.

The other morning I made a very easy baby meal for him out of Spirulina, bananas, avocado:

2/3 tsp Spirulina

1/2 mashed small banana

1/2 mashed medium avocado

I mixed them together and served. Sun loves it.

Spirulina is an amazing super food. I ate it while pregnant. It is probably one of the most perfect foods you’ll ever encounter. It has DHA, EPA, GLA. Depending on the brand, 1 level tbsp has 4 to 6 g of protein in it. It is exceptionally high in Beta-Carotene (16,000 IU per 1 tbsp serving). 1 tbsp also gives you:

4mg Iron, 175 mcg B-1, 280 mcg of B-2. Talk about and excellent source of iron!

When you purchase Spirulina, make sure it’s a good source. I buy mine from Mountain Rose Herbs or from Amazon .

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