USA Survey on Vegans and Race/Ethnicity 2009
If you are vegan and living in the USA, please answer my research survey on Vegans and Race/Ethnicity:
Information about the survey:
If you are vegan and live in the USA, please help me with my research! My goal is to get at least 10,000 responses. The survey will be open until I reach my goal. I believe 10,000 is an optimal sample size.
I am a PhD student in Critical Food Geographies at UC Davis. I am also the author of the upcoming book “Sistah Vegan: Black female vegans on food, identity, health, and society.” You can find my works at and
I am trying to map the racial/ethnic identifications of vegans in the USA. This research will eventually be part of a book I am working on. The survey is 5 questions long and will literally take 1 minute. I appreciate your time.
You can email me at breezeharper (at) gmail (dot) com if you have questions.