Vegan Hip Hop Movement: Founder, Kevin Tillman
Check out the interview with Kevin Tillman, founder of the Vegan Hip Hop Movement:
Here is an excerpt from the interview:
What is hip-hop doing for veganism? Hip Hop like any other form of artistic expression is reaching more audiences that may not have had the access to certain information. Whether that be about the exploitation of chickens (S.K.I.P.’s “Chicken Little) or the exploitation of consumers and producers of fast food (Promoe’s “Fast Food World”). What can hip-hop do for the vegan and AR movement that is not already being done? Hip Hop can and does broaden people’s perspectives. Hip Hop has historically served as the mouthpiece for oppressed groups in society (i.e. the poor and people of color). Veganism applied to this level of activism only expands the circle for other oppressed beings, other animals. We are all animals and the sooner folks make the connection the better off we all are. (Cited from
Go to to learn more about this man of the African Diaspora involved in veganism and hip hop art movement.