Why vegan activism can't be 'race-neutral': Afua's race conscious veganism
I speak about how Queen Afua has a black female racialized-sexualized consciousness around veganism. She is “race-conscious” and I speak about how the top 100 selling vegan diet books on Amazon.com don’t engage in a ‘race-conscious’ approach to veganism, but a ‘post-racial’ non-classed conscious approach. Yet this lack of racial consciousness and class consciousness IMPLIES that it’s for ‘normal’ population. Read ‘normal’ as default white middle class
I also break down the first 40 pages of Afua’s book, “City of Wellness” and analyze it as part of my dissertation work, which looks at revolutionary black female vegan activists who are ‘race-conscious’ with their activism. The City of Wellness: Restoring Your Health Through the Seven Kitchens of Consciousness
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